Organizations And Citizens In New Hampshire Recognized For Environmental Achievements By EPA

Recognized For Environmental Achievements

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is one of the most prestigious entities in the world in terms of ecology and resources protection. On September of 2018 they recognized the work of four organizations and two individuals. Read on to find out what did these remarkable people do to receive such a distinction from the EPA.

Storm Water Center

James Houle
James Houle

The first of the awards went to James Houle, who works on the management of storm water and also the restoration of the watershed. His work and innovative creativity in the matter helped the creation of green policies as well as infrastructure that was applied with positive results at a national level. Stopping the pollution in the United States is a critical issue, since it is one of the most contaminant countries in the world.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Gary Lynn
Gary Lynn

Gary Lynn was the proud receiver of this prestigious award. He is a chemist and has a long career in environmental consulting. Among his first achievements was the redirection of millions of dollars from private funds to the cleanup of the Brownfields, which were utterly contaminated. He also played a key role during the 20 law suits to some of the major gasoline companies in the country and educated the public attorneys with his encyclopedic knowledge. The results of the trial were 276 million dollars that ended up at the New Hampshire Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund. The list of achievements goes on; the award was more than deserved by Gary.

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